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In the area that I teach which is brakes I always use repetition for some areas such as using the brake lathe and also the drum brake trainers....I feel the more they do it the easier it becomes and the more confidence they build in themselves and I also find it stays in their memory alot longer
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In the area that I teach which is brakes I always use repetition for some areas such as using the brake lathe and also the drum brake trainers....I feel the more they do it the easier it becomes and the more confidence they build in themselves and I also find it stays in their memory alot longer.

In our course the end of course testing consists of being able to set up a drum and a rotor on the brake lathe...this lets us know first...the student has been practicing using the machines like they are suppose to be doing and tells us they are competent on using the machine which is pretty much the standard machine the student will use in almost any shop they go to work at....the other test they much complete is being able to disassemble and reassemble a drum brake assemble within 10 minutes...this lets us know once again that they practiced… >>>

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One of the things we do here in our course is to give the students a knowledge test pretty close to the end of the course...this test pretty much covers everything we have gone over in class and is designed just like a standard ASE style test. It is very benificial to see that usually almost everyone in the class is able to pass this test and really reinforces how far the students have come with their knowledge in the class...I also ask the class how many think they could have passed this test before taking the class and very… >>>

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I have found that when I give the class a work packet that has real world problems from actual shops with cars that had these problems the students can see that they will be forced to try and solve problems that may not be in a diagnostic manual. This teaches them to look at the symptoms, analyze the information that is presented to them and try to come up to a single conclusion to help diagnois the problem. The students really seem to enjoy this type of brainstorming in their groups and it really shows how well they are getting… >>>

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I have found that alot of times during a lecture if I can have a pass-around or even better yet be able to stand in front of the class and do a demonstration on the concept I am trying to teach you can really get the benefits of pretty much all learning styles rolled up in one. It also helps when the time comes out in lab for the students to perform the tasks themselves..but for the ones that still may have a problem I also provide the written step by step process as well out in the lab for… >>>

I find that when I have my students perform a task repetitively to the point that they can do it in their sleep that is when the ah-ha moment comes....finding them doing something that is very easily done now that they have done it so many times they can clearly see how they have progressed over the amount of time from their beginning of the class. This lets me know confidently that no matter where this student goes into they can perform this task easily.
I find that midway through the course if I give the class a knowledge review or quiz and they can actually see just how far they have come from when they first started the class....then as I go over the quiz and we see how well they did I will ask the class just how many feel they could have passed this quiz before taking the class...and then they see everyone in class are all in the same boat and that they are all learning together....this really proves to them that they truely are getting the information and making progress.
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I was just curious about how many of you have a meet & greet session at the beginning of your class....I have found that this does work out very well to not only break the ice of students getting to know each other but it also shows the students that they really do have alot in common with the rest of the students in the room. It also helps new students to really find other students that have been at the campus longer that have the same things in common with them.

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