Courtney Delano

Courtney Delano

About me


The creation of evaluation system is an excellent tool because we need to assess the progressions of each student individually. When informing the students of their progress and see that smile on most of their faces are priceless. It aids you in knowing what they know and do not know, with a plan B you can adjusted to cover what they are not understanding and section does need additional help. With grading the exams and return them to the student the next class meet, make so much easy to evaluate and fix what what is necessary for the students. Formative… >>>

Anticipating problems is a major factor to do in career education course, the demographics of our students does dictate the anticipation for problems. As the class manager as you put it, we as instructors definitely needs to have a plan B and at time plan C for back up plan(s). One style of lesson will work with a certain percentage of your student and well with others. Having more than one lesson plan so learning will continue and every student will be in engaged in the process of learning. I cannot thank you more for the different strategies, with specific… >>>

I have always thought that I have very unique style for delivering the information to my students. Learning the instructional delivery methods gave me a complete new look on what I was doing correct to what I was doing wrong, the outlining of personality, presentation, and situation gave me the opportunity to be specific in each categories. I got the fact that I can be one personality for each class, every class require a different presentation because the information is different and the students some times are also different, which make the situation different. Therefore, the preparation of delivery choices… >>>

I think this is or should be every instructors goal if not number one then, prioritize your goals. Taking this course and reading on instructors come in all shapes and sizes, put specific knowledge on certain criteria in my head. It gave me different view especially differentiating Socratic instructor, statue instructor, and understanding the need to observe other teaching styles of of other instructors. This can have a little negative to it, another instructor may thinks you're observing them for the wrong reasons. It does take diplomacy to be an effective instructor especially with dealing with the varieties of personality… >>>

This is always the difficult issue to tackle in adult learning. It can be positive or negative outcome. Some student thinks that you may feel as if they are not smart or intelligent enough and shut down. Sometimes not returning to class/school. It is a sensitive topic, especially the fact that we are not trained or licensed in that profession. It is okay when a student developed trust for you and have a good rapport with you. How do you approach a sensitive student who really need all the help you can offer and not take it negatively is what… >>>

Diverse student population is what I am facing every day I enter a classroom. Adult diverse learners at that, Trying to get them focus on learning a English is a challenge that is difficult at times, but is attainable when you know how to apply yourself. Recognizing the three characteristics that these students bring to the career school are good. understanding their ability, personal experience, and supply them with genuine motivation will be all effective tools for me to apply.

I have always been using student groups organization as a power tool for peer to peer learning. Learning these steps and methods will definitely enhance my teaching with my students, monitoring the class will make it more effective, learning how exactly to do it without intimidated the students when I am next to them. That was always my concern. Student can take it the wrong way and not realized that you have their best interest at heart. I know now how to make each student know that I respect them as an individual and aware of there presence and want… >>>

It is always a eye opening to learn all these different methods related to communication. I have been communicating all my life and thought I was doing an excellent job. Taking this course proved that there's are room for improvement. Especially, communication in adult learning career environment, with a diverse population. Paying attention to delays, body language and getting a feedback from the students is always a great way to go. I would recommend this course to all instructors, because when you think you know somethings because of experience on the job, it is a epiphany hearing how well you… >>>

Discussion Comment
CATs are the best tools for every instructor to used. I learned a lot from knowing the differences between formative and summative evaluation.
This is a great method in the class, after all it encourages student participation. I will know consider to use the redirection method of it a bit more. Identifying that I don't know and will find out, is something I always do. It make's student have much more appreciation for the teacher.

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