About me
About me
The importance of consistency in communication whether it is online or on-ground. It is important to respond to students within 24 hours and to be careful of what information is shared publically to the course in genral or privately to the online students. Additionally, email in the online LMS becomes the student perferred communication tool.
I have learned that distance learning has evolved over time. That in order for a course to have strong learning outcomes it must be organized, engaging and focus on both the content and the student learner. Feeback and assessments for knowledge help to assess retention of information.
This course is helping to remind and identify cues students are showing and how by paying attention to our students we can help them to cope with stress as a team. Thus, showing the student we care and helping to improve retention.
I thruly enjoyed this course was able to identify tips to ease concerns about moving up within a company and becoming a mangaer.
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