Cindi  Stearns

Cindi Stearns

About me

My name is Cindi Stearns and I am currently the Director of Instruction at Mid-Del Technology Center in Midwest City, Oklahoma.   I have been in administration for 14 years.  


One of the most important things that I learned (actually reinforced what I think), is that relationships between the teacher and student are vital in the students success.  It must be a discussion topic with all teachers. 

I plan to put more time into planning the coaching time with teachers.  Think through having pre-planned questions that allow teachers to be responsive and not reactive.  I plan ot demonstrate more empathy to their hard work and motivate them to make changes to their pedagogical practices.  I believe this will help with the overall culture of the building.

There was a lot of great information in this section.  I plan to review the 7 characteristics of effective coaching feedback prior to the next visit with an instructor.  I wan to incorporate those into my thought process with every feedback opportunity.  I also want to practice the information that LeeAnn Renniger gave when having a difficult message.

The topic When Nothing Happens interested me because as a leader it can be discouraging.  I made notes on two things that were important to me.  1) Effective teachers build relationships and motive students to do their best.  2) Effective principals do the same and use input from their most effective teachers in making decisions.  It is important to keep the most effect teachers in the forefront of your mind when making decisions and it's a great reminder for teachers as well.   This will help you remain positive in your position as a leader.

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