David Breen

David Breen

About me


Including everyone (males and females alike) is very important in our mixed gender classrooms that still tend to be male dominated.  It is important to not make the female students feel different by addressing them any differently than the male students.


While I feel strongly that effective leaders need to be able to motivate and inspire others, the question becomes how to determine what will motivate them? I believe I have found an individual who is truly not motivated to do anything but keep his job....I fear this is not a strong enough motivator to get him to truly improve himself.
Discussion Comment

We are preparing for a major change in how our curriculum is delivered at our campus as we speak. This change is a major change for our instructor staff. So far, it appears that their are mixed feelings amongst the staff. I believe that any apprehension to the change is fear that is based upon assumptions or the unknown. We are attempting to harness the positive viewpoint of some of our staff that were involved in developing the new curriculum. Those individuals are vocally passionate about the change. Does anyone from Sacramento or Avondale have any helpful advice for an… >>>

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