I had no idea of the clery act and title ix but now I am more informed.
I learned that FERPA has a lot more underneath it than basic rules -- like the other Acts involved!
I learned that FERPA has set requirements for online-only courses and that attendence is one of those.
As a graduate of the school where I now am an adjunct, I learned really interesting details that my records are also protected under FERPA. I've also learned a lot of about privacy laws and expectations in educational institutions, which as a public lirbarian is very interesting!
I learned how important MOTIVES are for record seeking. If the desire is to legitmately assist a student and you need to look at other records (for classes, for example) then there could be cause; just to see how they do as a student isn't a valid reason.
I learned about the notes aspect - if it is written in a student's record, then it's part of that record and they have the right to know what it says. Honestly, as educators, we should be willing and open to sharing such comments with students directly (when offered opportunity) so the need for "secret" notes shouldn't exist anyway!
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