Douglas Cooperman

Douglas Cooperman

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Blog Comment


What do you mean by "adaptive learning"? What methods do you use the first day or two of class to get students involved? I am coming back to education after a few years and am interested in your thoughts.


I agree with the value you place on the focus on tranferrable skills. I often even sell myself short on taking on new tasks until I realize that I know more than I think I do. This is often the case especially for a culinary student who has never cooked before. So much of a cooks success is time management, problem solving, interpersonal skills, etc. The cooking part is somewhat textbook and methodology. 

While I have yet to prepare an action plan I will plan to implement active-learning strategies into my upcoming classes. I agree that lectures can lose students and I often get bored myself if I do not interject with guided activities. I am a little nervous about success but will review plans with peers prior to implamenting with students. 


I think that is a great idea to determine knowledge especially to ask a specific question that may be a key point of the days objectives. I have also seen value in asking students to share muddiest or unclear points as well.


While I have yet to write an action plan for next term this training (ED101-Effective Teaching Strategies) has provided great insight into both student-centered instructional styles but also learning style considerations. Some of the concepts providid in the material offered new insight in key areas of introductions, class management from first impression and specific activities that will help me develop the level of learning and integration that my students expect.

Good Day,

I think a key here is to recognize the difference between persuasion and coercion through manipulation. Passion and insight in a topic is crucial to getting others excited or interested in learning and confidence will go a long way. Persuassion can often be directed through validation and understanding where a student needs to go. Simplification helps to clarify a position and makes learning attainable and the teachers flexibility will allow them to stay calm and focused so an act of persuassion does not turn into a heated debate. 

Ultimately the teacher can create value through subject knowledge, passion,… >>>

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