David Duccini

David Duccini

Location: minneapolis, mn


knowledge management/transfer; information risk management; homebrewing


I blog weekly at http://thebigidea.com
Last semester for my final exam in an Intro to Programming class I was teaching, I decided to give a series of small programs that had a number of bugs in them. I gave them copies of the expected output as a 'control'. The students were then asked to find / fix the programs to get them to compile and run. I think this really closely matches what software developers do in the real world, and was the closest analog (pardon the pun) -- to some kind of hands-on skills tests that I've seen other career college curriculums use.

I teach courses in the evening -- and not only are my students facing long days, with early mornings for daycare, transportation to and from work, and then finally at the end of the day to come and sit in class for 3-4 hours makes for many sleepless nights. I try to break up the classes into 25-35 mins of instruction and then break for discussion/application to help students find something in their daily life to "make it real". Some students look so sleep deprived that all I get sometimes are blank stares. Anyone else have similar experiences? If so,… >>>

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