Delzora Able

Delzora Able

Location: tampa florida

About me

I am an RN and I faciltate the learning experience for adult learners.  I have taught both licensed and non-licensed healthcare subject matter.  I am interested in learning new ways to incorporate technology into my teaching methods. 


gerontology, quality assurance, education, training and development


Learning requires communication  Communication requires 2-way interaction.  Therefore in my opinion you are right.  The instructor will learn while they engage their students.  The students may offer intresting new ideas within the subject matter; or the instructor might learn how to improve lesson plans based upon student outcomes. 

I try to determine why the students number of quetions is higher than other students.  If it is attention seeking behavior with no real relevance to the subject matter, that is handled after class in one to one discussion.  If the student has anxiety about the subject matter and questions posed reflect that they are in fear that they haven't understood the content, a non-graded assignment or worksheet might be helpful.  If the student has great and relevant questions that should or could stimulate group discussion I allow two to three questions then remind the student of consideration for everyone's… >>>

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 In extenuating circumstances, in the past I have allowed a student to take a make up exam, and when it meant that others would not get an immediate exam review, but did receive their grades.  Knowing the grade but not being able to discuss the incorrect responses and rationales lead to additional anxiety. 

Do you have your students wait for their exam review until all have taken the exam?  If so, what are the comments from those who did take the exam on time?

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ED 105 was a refreshing review of some fundamental concepts in planning, presentation, and evaluation of learning.  I had a discussion with peers in my department regarding management of late assignments.  My initial answer on the quiz question was that students should receive a zero if an assignment is not handed in on time,  but learned the preferred response is to inquire about the reasons for missed assignment due date. 

I still disagree.  If a student has a syllabus, and has had orientation that includes the class schedule for assignments, the due dates should not be altered.  Students who do… >>>

I have done this with about 60% sucess rate.  Sometimes the pretest has been seen by students as an attempt to draw attention to their areas of weakness rather a way to illustrate progrssion in their learning.  I think it has worked best when the pretest has minimal vocabulary and terminolgy questions. 

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I appreciate a well-constructed power point presentation.  The recommended 10/20/30 equation is one that I had not previously used, but will going forward.  20 minutes is ample time to spend in class with reduced lighting.  I also find that the students sit with minimal movement when watching slide presentations.  They lose the element peer- to- peer engagement. 

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I just completed ED 104.  I have been an instructor for many years, but was able to appreciate this content.  There were some recommended adult learner class management strategies that I will use.  One example:  using guided notes to help students fill in key points from the course material.

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