Dustin Farmer

Dustin Farmer

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Keep in mind the scope of requirements that Clery and VAWA require and just because something is not required by one but is by the other doesn't mean it isn't important and can be ignored.  Safety for everyone involved is important.

I now know what a responsible employee is and the every employee should be one.  I know that just because a student may not file a report with the title IX coordinator does not excuse an institution from investigating an incident if knowledge of the incident becomes known.  It's all about protecting our students, fellow employees, and ourselves from an unsafe environment.  

I have a better understanding of the Clery Act and VAWA requirements of students, employees, and instatusional obligation. When an event occures also what the instatution is required to have in place for prevention, as well as response and reporting.  The whole idea is to provide a safer place for everyone involved students, employees, bystanders, and victoms.  The confidenciality of the information in reporting as well as response were covered. Its all about making the safest environment possible for everyone at the institution. 


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