Darlene Fedele

Darlene Fedele

About me


I agree that professional development courses are often a waste of time. In my former job, the faculty was required to take them, and also attend workshops, but most of it wasn't relevant to teaching.  I like the Max Knowledge courses, although, isnce my degree is in English Ed, I learned most of this already in grad school.

I usually have the opposite problem - the students work quickly to finish a project, and then I have to have osmething else for them to do.  One recurring problem is with in0class activities: there is also at least one swift student who finishes quickly and then needs something else to do while we wait for the slower ones to finish.  I would be interested to hear how other teachers handle this.  You can't just keep assigning more work for the faster few.  It wouldn't be fair to make them do more worksheets, for example, than everybody else.

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