My biggest challenge with social media is blogging and networking. I learned the different between the two I do. #AndILearnedHowToPostOnMyInstagramPagesAndAllThatOtherButMyBiggestChallengeWasBloggingNowILearnedHowToBlockAndIwould be doing it in the near future.
I feel as though doing all your social media, your networking, engaging, and all that social media that’s fine, but let’s not lose focus on person person contact, and sometimes that could be a problem within the cell. Some students don’t know how to socialize with person due to the fact of social media, so let’s not let that be our only source of communication that’s my feelings.
If I have a student is not falling my directive for my syllabus, my emails are just not responding. I will set up a meeting with the student and try to figure out what is going on with the student itself so we can get to the bottom of it she could be just going through some stuff, so I would actually try to talk to her in person social media
Learning how to blog has struck an interest with me. I was always curious about it. This is cleared things up for being so in the near future I will be blogging from here on out and showing my thoughts with my student.
using a blog for your lessons are your assignments is good for the student can know how well they doing they activities, engaging in conversations of their grades, your expectations things of that nature making sure that your blog is a tool and it’s a useful tool and students things you put out there for them to have a higher education so I will say yes for blogging for the classroom
Comment on Nathaniel Yake's post: microblogging is a new tool for me. I am not social media savvy, but I’m totally interested in learning as much as I can about micro blogging and if it’s going to help my students to engage more with each other as well as myself then New, turning point for myself about micro blogging
it’s a student is not following your syllabus are not responding to an email or call now it’s time for 101 to talk to her in person. Just set up an appointment and say hey we need to talk and ask her. Is there a way I can assist you engaging in the assignments is there anything I need to know you know nice time to start talking to her individually maybe you need a neutral person in there with you and you both can get down to the harder matter could be she just going through something so… >>>
I know social media has something the younger generation is somebody old. You have to learn how to maneuver the social media in order to be a little accurate. I just recently learn how to deal with social media, but I enjoy it. I can communicate with my students I can communicate with others my peers we use it at work so it is a good thing. You do have an upside it really do, but the downside is the human contact face-to-face talking across the room the downside how to socialize with others without social media but you… >>>
I know social media has something the younger generation is somebody old. You have to learn how to maneuver the social media in order to be a little accurate. I just recently learn how to deal with social media, but I enjoy it. I can communicate with my students I can communicate with others my peers we use it at work so it is a good thing. You do have an upside it really do, but the downside is the human contact face-to-face talking across the room the downside how to socialize with others without social media but you… >>>
I got out of it the different learners and to me that is so interesting to know, as well as the The technology that we would be using the sources that we can get into the different programs it’s gonna be interesting. That’s what I’m excited about. It was a lot I got from that is a lot that I would take with me and use it to help me grow into this hybrid learning.
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