Location: tampa

About me

I am a huge proponent of education and how it changes lives - not only the actual learning, but the confidence you gain from the experience.




Social Media can be a blessing and a curse - everyone needs to be aware of the Fair Consumer Practices even if they aren't completely outlined, yet.


I was not aware that the CIE meetings were open to the public.


I was not aware of the CAN-SPAM Act, which is additional compliance we must adhere to.


We must always operate in a culture of compliance and transparency - not only does information need to be accurate.  We need to ensure our message and the information we give is understandable.


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If  Recruiters do not take enrollment applications or money out in the field (only collect information cards and requests for information that go back to the Enrollment Rep for follow-up), are they still required to get an Agent's License every year?

Discussion Comment

Be intentional - effort vs. results

Cross the Line – Sam Parker

  1. Choose to Commit
  2. Work Hard
  3. Focus
  4. Be Resilient

This training was a good refresher for someone who has been in the education industry for several years.

Now I recommend reading the book below so your attitude matches the head knowledge:

Smile & Move®

5 ways to smile (wake up, be thankful, be approachable, complain less, smile more)

4 ways to move (start early and go long, exceed expectations, have a sense of urgency, be resourceful and resilient)

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