Dariush Javadi

Dariush Javadi

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I learned how different styles of testing relate to the subject of study, also how to use the test to correctly evaluate the knowledge of the students.
I learned different assessment to evaluate my students in multiple ways.
Questioning is another tool in your repertoire to utilize for teaching.
Students have different learning styles such as auditory, visual, written, kinetic as an instructor this needs to be taken into consideration when teaching.
As the instructor I need to show enthusiasm towards the content I am teaching. Provide positive feedback immediately. know your students.
make sure to refresh yourself and don't forget to keep up your enthusiasm. By staying refreshed you will not allow your students to become bored and lose interest.
The students need to know that the instructor cares about them and to keep the students engaged the instructor needs to be creative, also get a feel for the students as they enter the classroom by greeting them.
I learned how to pay attention to the diversity of the students, their perspective of the class, and how to keep them interested in the class.
be creative by using different lecture styles to keep the students engaged.
The first day is the time to get to know your students and for them to get to know you. The first day students should be informed what is expected of them and the syllabus of the class. At the end of the first day, they should be looking forward to finishing the course of study.

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