Dion  Johnson

Dion Johnson

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The instructor's priority of "covering content" has shifted to "mastery of the content."


The pre-recorded lessons should be chunked into 10 minutes to prevent boredom and will help them retain the information learned.

A positive is that the pre-recorded lectures can be provided in various languages for the hearing impaired, and a barrier would be lack of technology or internet access. 

My takeaway so far: The flipped classroom is moving away from traditional classroom style of learning and catering to today's learning culture which is making it flexible so the student can work at their own pace and time. They're held accountable for their learning while the instructor is there to support them. 

Email is most convenient and practical way of responding to learners' inquiries and is the best way to communicate.

Asynchronous learning may cause a shy student to be less opposed to participate in classroom discussions than in-person learning, and not be empowered by more confident students who are always willing to speak up in class. 

Making a connection with the learners will gain their trust and create a fun and safe learning environment. 

To be knowledgeable of prerequisite courses that ties into the modules I am teaching to make a connection for the students. Update post as necessary. 

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