Dr. Dejenie Lakew

Dr. Dejenie Lakew

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Knowing the reasons and purposes why a studnet takes a course are more compelling than any motivating factor regarding the process. In fact, not only in learning but in things we do, reasons why we intend to do things compells us to find effective methods how to do them better and faster. To be professional and effective in doing things, there is no other place to go but to universites and colleges to seek knowlegde and expand a power to imagine better. The very reasons societies advanced considerably fast, is because they established universities funded by states and promote knowlegde… >>>

A student is someone who comes to a palce of learning to seek and acquire knowlegde. A professor is a learnt person of knwolegde who makes that process possible and happen. In this learning and knowlegde transaction, the learner by default should not be accountable for not knowing what he is learning, but retaining and knwing for what he has been taught and learnt. This process does not allow other behaviors to surface, such as mentioned in the comment " student humuliation".


Visionary managers as  both mangers and leaders should have knowledge, relevant behaviors, passion and vision of a better futiure state of existence to the company they mange and lead. 


Dear Donald,

Is your post related to any of the topics that are discussed here, which I assume are related to enhancing studnet learning and techniques that facilitate it?

Dear David,

That is absolutely true. Students in most cases avoid things in the course materilas, for two main reasons: one, they do not believe the things they are learning probably may not necessarily applied in their professions, and second, the materials might be hard to them to understand and get sensible meanings and purpsoes.  It is here that we professors are stepped in to give meannings and necessities of the  things we teach them for their professions and lives. Jobs or professions and reasonable living require proper academic training and professional performances, free of errors in most cases and… >>>

Valuing one's achievement in learning is part of a higher learing enterprise. It is when we recognize and value those who achieved in learning that our desires to promote learning have true purpose and bear results. 

Learning is not only to know what are established as knowlegde but facilitates creativity as well. It is when we learn and know how to add, that we think how to multiply. 

Although an imperative process that is understood at a higher stage, learning is more appreciated when we know the reasons why we learn. We humans live better and effectively when we solve problems effectively, both in startegy and time, in whcih learning offers the tools of that job. 

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