Dorotha Harrell

Dorotha Harrell

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Rubics, effective communications, communication vode of conduct, evaluations,(formative,summarative), prompt feedback, diverse students (babyboomers, milliniums, generation x, generation y), discussion boards, and netequette, etc, are all imperative for online teaching.


As an instructor we must clearly the communication code and the student must be able to comprehend the concepts. they must be proficient in comuunicating verbally and they must be able to write,in that same vain, we as instructors must modeled the same.


I also like the grading rubic and I intebd to use it. I also like the Computer Code Of Ethics assignment. I know that their a lot of tech savy students out tuere, so it is imparative the on line instructore get familiar with the different forms of communication pathways that student are using to communicate via electronic devices.


Thereare so many techonlogical tools It could be overwhelming to novice's like me, as a matter of fact it ic more likely that the students could tell me alot about these tools. to that end I would definetly follow the lead of the students with a majority considered on which tool whould be used.


I also like the ideal of formative evaluations every 3-5 weeks, although I have only done them once persemester.this management strategy is very important brcause it will eliminate many of the obectives teaching tha it is not student centered information.


I learned from this assignment that online teaching is hard for the firat time instructor, it is overwhelming and I am going to be very sensitive to the student who is not computer savy. I am learning that also that not being able to see the questionable looks on students faces is going to be diffculty for me to decern the weaknesses of a student.


I agree with Judith PLAN, PLAN, PLAN, it helps to reduce the workload tremendously an helps effectively for you to manage your time effeiceinly.


The WLMS is very important to Instructore and students who are not technicalogical savy. It can be used in many ways. I like the fact that it can help the instructor  to be able to pioritize and organize, especially if the instructor and the student is not tech. savy and finally I like the support system that it provides.


what I have learened from module 4 is that  it is very imperative that I be at the top of my game to be able to help students acheive their maxium potential. 


What I have learned from this module is to take it slow, in other words be senstive to all of the student's needs (be aware of their environment) and to know the difference between Asynchronous and synchronous teaching.


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