About me
About me
this module was extremely helpful in that I have two students that are facing these same issues. Issues with course work load, technical issues and health issues. Currently I am not dealing with any conflicts, but I have in the past. The information was very helpful. I do have some noisy learners, so that section will also help. This student will interrupt and interject inappropiate comments during our discussions and do my best to redirect that person and encourage professional behavoir.
I did not know the meaning of asynchronous until now. Very helpful information. I also enjoyed learning about how to foster participation through synchornous discussion. Also very useful.
I really enjoyed the idea of posting a bio of myself to establish my authority and professional background. I usually introduce myself to new students in the first zoom session of the course, but having a bio they can read regarding my credentials and experience. This would hopefully build the trust that is needed that the students are being taught by an instructor that knows their knowledge. I also liked the section about building the relationship with students. I used to assign an introduction letter the first day of class. I liked reading about them and their goals. I will… >>>
I have been teaching for almost 11 years now. So much has changed. One thing I am greatful for is the ability to adapt and learn how to change with the times. The online environment has come a long way in the years that I've been teaching. I am so happy there are tools to enhance the way we deliver materials to students. It's great that we have the online platform to deliever live lectures, so the students learning will continue with limited disruptions. It's also important to know who and where you can get online support at a moments… >>>
I agree. Group projects or activities help to promote team building skills and professional skills. The feedback I get regarding my medical assisting students, is they just don't know how to talk to people in the workforce. I use scenarios and mock clinics to help them interact with each other, as if they were in those real life situations. The more practice they receive in the classroom, the better they will be in the workforce.
Hi, I'm a Medical Assistant Instructor. I start my program with an introduction on who I am, where I've been and my life experiences relating to my profession. I ask the students to write a letter to me, telling me why they chose the profession of Medical Assisting. What brought you here? Where do you see yourself working? What motivates you? It's surprising how much they share with me. I tell them, this is for my own eyes, just between me and you. You can share as much as you like. I then keep these stories. I read them.… >>>
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