Abeer NOUH

Abeer NOUH

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How to deal with frequently late and absent students who use personal problems as an excuse 

For the idea when having an angry student ask him to submit his complaint in writing 

Using the phone in class is the worst part 

I now get strategy to deal with thatComment on Katherine Hillerich's post

Setting multiple reminders for due dates. Set the missed assignment standards.I will always remember that rule 

share my background experiences  and give examples and stories about it to make them impressed and excited 

refocus was good tool to learn how to keep them focus 

It help me understand how important it is to build bridges between me and my students before caring about the contentes of the class 

understand  adult students needs and charactrestics . their goals and motivations and their abilities . understand how to use their strenghthes and how to be carful with their weaknesses during the classes 

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