Written assignments can be in the form of short essays,on line discussions,discussion boards(Asynchronous),Concept maps,Presentations and taking Quizzez and exams.
Syllabus of your course should include Expectations,Schedule,Grading system and instructor contact information.Quizzez are good way to evaluate a learner and model answers should be provided.Immediate feedback after Quizzez is important.In synchoronous learning discussions can be either posted as chats or synchronous.
On line lectures should be in the form of direct delivery short and precise,graphic based.
Learned how to design learning activities like Assignments,Discussions etc.Reading material should be targeted and selected.Guest lecturers can help in reinforcing the content.Learned about synchronous and Asynchronous learning.
Learned some history of online courses.Design of the course should be based on modules,lessons and topics.Navigational simplicity is important to navigate through the course content.Course should include activities to engage learners with the instructor and with other students.
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