David Snelson

David Snelson

About me


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I love getting ideas from other instructors of how to vary lessons up and make them first more interesting for students and also help all different kinds of learning styles.

Thanks for all the help.

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I try to be as flexible as possible with my lesson plans. There always seems to be some meeting or school function that will through off my plans.
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On my first day I spend time going over everything nice and slow. I introduce myself like this course states and have them introduce themselves to me as well. Throughout the course I constantly ask if they have any questions or concerns for me.
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While teaching I like to put an outline for what I am going to cover for the day on the white board so the students know exactly what to expect for the day.
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I have been teaching at a technical school now for a little over a year. So far this course has given me many new ideas of how to better instruct my class and hopefully make it a bit more interesting and let the students get more out of it.

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