Charity Grayson

Charity Grayson

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There are different styles of learning and teaching and you have to find your own as the instructor and help the student understand theirs to be success as an online student

You set the tone for communication be an example and encourage students to partipate and be active communicators

You have to set guidelines for communication in the beginnning for students to know and understand and be consistent in your communication and prompt as much as possible

Find the right online tool to help you in your course, when you find it see if it is working and continue to perfect it if not find another tool

Make sure the content and layout is formatted for the student for ease to be able to navigate the  course effectively. Be simple and straight forward in wording sections


Make sure the guidelines for your classroom is set for you and the students so that there is less confusion

Find the right tool that works for me in teaching. Just because someone uses a certain tool doesn't mean it will work for me. I have to find my own niche

Use a variety of formative and summative assessments to help the student to learn the different topics and to see what they know or what areas need to be reviewed


Scaffolding can be a good technique to allow students to build on what they already know and continue to grow instead of waiting on everyone else to get to their level

You must organize your online learning and a good technique is using modules and breaking it down to what's best for you

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