I have had experience as an online instructor for a few years now. Many students have competing responsiblities (e.g., family, job) that don't allow them the time to complete assignments and exams (assessments) on time.
I learned about the disadvantages of synchronous online discussions.
I have a biography and a current photo of myself uploaded. I make myself availabe daily to students - 7 days a week.
Helping students understand and navigate through the structure of a given online course they are enrolled in is key to their sustained interest, participation and success.
I was not familiar with metarubrics prior to this course. I am curious if Concorde will ask newly hired instructors teaching the same course to give feedback about any rubrics used.
Rubrics are key components of such assessment. The key components of assessment that enhances learning include clear criteria, frequent and informative feedback, and self-assessment opportunities. Through student-centered assessment, students become the users of assessment results. As a result, student-centered assessments can serve as instruction. feedback.
I am currently using a discussion rubric designed by Concorde. One of the problems I noticed with the rubric is it does not adequately address the college's policy on APA formatting. It is not mentioned directly in the rubric and creates a problem when grading student answers and replies that either do not use APA formatting or use it correctly.
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