Alien David Gonzalez Oliva

Alien David Gonzalez Oliva

Location: 5555 alameda ave steb

About me

im a very easy going person, I really like to take this course even though was a little diffilcult for me, bc, this couses do not have a order to follow, but i learned more about school management and precedures. happy i did this though. 


cdl program




Hello Ronnita can you give me a call I would like to hire you for some school advice. 
david 915-4909623

not only i refresh my memorie i learned a lot of things i will apply to my work place and do better as instruc tor and director of the school.

rules and regulation are good but i notice that is only for school, however ppl is deceiver and a liar and all this are not fair bc left us into the student willingness to do what they want and walk away as if they dxidnt use the facility or equipment. 

it was very interesting to knwo how to help student to get job placement although we have aompany that gives our student orientation job recrument so they can get the best pay and best company. 


im refreshing my memory and remembering rules and regulations

it was refreshment aboutthe rules and regulation also help me to understand more over all the precidures. 

it was a refreshment about all the rules and regulation of twc. 


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