Carol Taylor

Carol Taylor

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In career college why is it importamt to have a good understaning of your students backgrounds?
Thanks for giving me the rule 10/20/30, I know there was a rule but did not knoew what it was. Very helpful.
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Guest speacker are great to have as part of your lessom plans,this is a great way to give your students value information their career.
Learning your student and accomodating to the learning needs of your students in very important learn how to use examples and hands on task is very important, as our learning error has gone to more of computers (e-books, etc.) Not many of our younger population spent a lot of time reading. Find more way to give lesson though computer and more hands on will hold their attention longer. ( in my option)
To an new instructor the first day of classs is very important, also to new students meeting there instructor for the first time. It is important for the instructor to set the tone of the class on the first day. Set the expectaation and find out what the expactations of his/hre students.
I agree a well parpared syllabue is a great tool in a students education preparness, it will also aid in instructors with there lesson plans. Great tool
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Being professional is a very important part of an instructor job. The instructor should present his/her self as the role model. You are the one who the student need to be able to look up too, you should be the one that they should be able to come too for advice about their career.
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I has been said a leader should be able follow as well as lead, but if the people who the leader is leading it is very hard for the leader to follow. So the point of every getting on borad of the company mission, in my option should be key.
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State agencies require registration I feel as an instructor this something that ever one should require for themself as a professional.
All prospective students have the rigth the school thay are attending has a drug free policy and the campus is a safe for them to attend.

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