Theree are many things to take into consideration when takng on the role of an instructor. The factors that affect their lives both in and out of the classroom can steer them in or out of the direction of success. I need to be aware of the environment that they will function in and how it is working for them.
Missed and late work - policy must be spelled out in detail in the syllabus. It is a good idea that you follow the policy of you institituion. Imprtance in being consistent and fair must be conidered.
The strategies that czan be used when there is not enough instructional material for the class period was very helpful. Planning a week ahead allow the instructor to begin using that material to fil the class time an does not leave the students sitting around with nothing to do.
The methods to use in instruction vary. I leared that not jut one method should be used - but, several to get your point across to the students. One method is not the best choice for all of the students.
Usihg reflection to improve my teaching. The progress that I make will depend on improvements. Keeping a journal to make a few notes after teaching a class will allow me to go back and look at what I did well and maybe where I need to improve, Writing in the journal at the moment will help me to reflect on what is best for my students and their prgress.
Staff is at the forfront of cultural compliance. All departments have a responsibility to the student and to the school. So many people and charactristic play into the topic of coplance (training, transparency, etc.).
Avoiding noncompliance rests with each staff member. As an instructor we are to be honest, forth-coming, and transparent with all students during enrollment, academic process, etc.
I am aware of using any kind of statistics when talking to a subdent uness I have the actual facts. Using inaccurate information and a student uses this information to make an important decision about his education - is against regulations from the Department of Education.
I have learned about proper repreesentations. The words that can skew a statement or claim. This canb be misleading to a student.
With disclsures and representations everything musst be transparent. Factual statements must be published by the instution to all sstudents that are attending in person or through on-line courses.
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