Fred Kellenberger

Fred Kellenberger

About me


The course indicated that instructor should not give students their phone number. I disagree with this. I give my cell number to my online students. This eliminates problems especially when they are taking proctored exams.
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The course indicated that feedback is the most essential skill for an online instructor. I have found over the years that feedback should be made within 48 hours after the end of the grading week. What is you policy on when you provide this feedback?? My policy is within 48 hours.
Synchronous learning is real time. It is defined as a group of individuals learning at the same time as they work toward a common goal or outcome. It occurs at the same time, but not in the same place. I like to teach real time using chats/seminars. I usually try to do this at least once a week for an hour in my online classes.
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The course discuss screen capture. I have used PrintScreen and Snipping Tool to capture what is on the screen. Which of these do you prefer?? I prefer to use the snipping tool because it allows me to cut out just the part I need.
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The course stated that the basic stakeholders are: students, institution, and teaching and professional community. Are there other stakeholders like the community, investors in the university, etc, ??
The feedback try to positive and specific and detail. The feedback should be related to the learning objectives. I like to include the rubric in my feedback to students. The feedback should discuss ways to improve the assignment.
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Universities now have student learning outcomes. Scaffolding is the building of knowledge and skills based on prior knowledge to create a new individual knowledge structure. Students learning outcomes from a required previous course will help us build new knowledge.
The creation and testing process is a cyclical and ongoing process. Also this a is a required process. I have taught some online courses in which the course has not been changed by the course developer in 5 years.
In general do students learn more in online or on-campus classes?? I have been teaching online classes for over 12 years and on-campus classes for over 30 years. I believe students learn more and retain information best in a full term 16-week on-campus class. Thanks Fred K
What is your policy on discussion thread. I like to see students post at least three different days. I like the initial post to be at least 100 words. I require references in their main post. I like to see the responses at least 5 sentences. Thanks Fred K

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