Nancy Scharlau-Murman

Nancy Scharlau-Murman

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It is absolutily critical to set up an efficient email and file mangement system for correspondence and assignments.  We do have a CMS systme but our students are graded more for on hands on activities so transitioning to online participation will require a far greater degree of file managment from the CMS. I learned about certain disruptive behaviors in the online community and solutions to help with those situations.  


This module was very helpful to define the expectations and the best practices for each type of online form.  I am now thinking about converting some of my review handouts into an asynchronous form.  I will really need to focus on how my non verbal communication comes across.  I a wondering what the expected time frames and frequency might be for reqponces in an asynchronous form espicailly for students of today who are used to texting all day long.  


I learned the importance of having a biography with both academic achievements and professional experience.  Currently I do read all of my students profiles and will bring up their experiences as I discuss certain topics.  


I learned the importance of fully understanding ALL the features of our CMS.  In moving further into developing more online content I will now be more focused on implementing more intactivity into the content of Keynotes and quizzes for greater intellectual engagement.  Also structuring the lesson with smaller modules and then activities to immediately follow.  


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