Forrest Marston

Forrest Marston

About me


I've found with some classes that giving the students time at the beginning of class to drop a question into a hat will get the more shy learners to participate. I then read all relevant questions and ask the class to answer (I will clarify any points necessary).

I agree that Education Risk is huge factor in not only knowledge retention, but also class retention and satisfaction. Many of our students are returning, changing careers and just plain new to health care. I've found that associating as much as possible with their personal experience not only increases their retention (emotional attachment to information in the midbrain), but also increases their confidence level. They're more quickly able and willing to take risks in the classroom. I encourage them when a term reminds them of a word they've encountered as a patient or caregiver navigating the medical system, to explore… >>>

Discussion Comment is a FREE puzzle generator that I use all the time. You can create word scrambles, word finds and crossword puzzles (among others- these are just the most relevant). For word finds and word scrambles- I usually create a list of clues, and don't provide the term itself. Instead, students use the definitions provided to figure out which word they're searching for or unscrambling.
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I've had great luck with BINGO in my classes. I hand out blank BINGO cards and a list of Medical Terminology word parts and ask that each student populate his/her own card using the list the provided. I then pull definitions out of the hat- the students mark the word part with that meaning on their card. Standard BINGO rules apply. I usually have small prizes available- a bonus point, a pencil, an eraser, something like that.
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Overall, this was a good course.  Most of the points were excellent and well-illustrated.  I look forward to my next one!

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