Gayle Franklin

Gayle Franklin

About me


Technology and online learning can help develope problem solving skills which are critical with trades.  


Simulations can be very effective in an online learing environment as long as they work correctly.  We have all experience technical difficulties and these "gliches" can cause the student to lose motivation in that particular lesson.


After reading this Module, I learned that it is imortant to allow the students to participate in the presentations.  Students often have great ideas that can help others understand a certain concept.   Adding visuals to your presentation can help reinforce the objective of a particular lesson.


Adding personalization and a bit of emotion to correspondence with students will validate your understanding of the students feelings.    This understanding may help the student feel more comfortable reaching out and more likely to respond to your inquiry.


Online learning in an asynchronous environment allows students to work at their own pace, and choose what time of day works best for them.   Technology assists in making a student feel comfortable in their own learning environment.


I think that online students prefer this format for the flexibility.  As stated, most online learners are older adults with young children.  The online environment gives this student the ability to complete assignments at a time that works best for them.


Maintaining communication with students is crucial when it comes to retention.  Whether it be a straight A student, or the student who might be more accidemically challenged, feedback from their instructor show the student that the instructor cares about their performance. I think if the instructor is communicating, the student is less likely to want to give up.


Students with disabilities should feel that they have the same educational opportunities as all student's.  However, they should not feel like they are being treated any differently because they ask for a specific accomidation.  


I learned that not all accomidations are the same.   Accomidations for disabilites are based on the student's needs in order for them to feel successful.  


This module made me aware of other disabilites besides just the physical.   All these non-physical disabilites can have a impact on a student's ability to learn.


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