Georgia Leary

Georgia Leary

About me


The lecture notes has been a new experience for me in the sense of adding new expriences to lectures that has been used multile times
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In some classes the goal,objective are outlined for Instructous,but with this new information some adjestment can be made .Example pretesting
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In part some material has been used multiple times due to standards ,my physical lecture materials change with each new group of students
making a stressors list and plan to revisit this list as a part of your weekly todo list
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The mulitiple state consumer protection information in gereral speaking was not very clear
To my knowledge all student who attempted to enroll in a program that might have personal issue were pleased to know that certain agencies even specify that they must have backgroung check this help the student in securing a job
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Why would the state exempt the institution from some requirement ,based on the institution's accreditation or operations exceeding twenty years in length.
one of the statement that got my attention in this model is to include management strategies within your lesson plan

Most of the student that I have worked with  a Learning  Disabilites were not easy to recognize  because this has been a lifelong struggle and their reading skills were great  but their testing was poor.This course has been great for me


For assignments use simple and brief wording,use fewer steps with sequence in a manner that lead to a effective approach to the task that can be preformed by the students in a limited amount of time

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