Joanne Geraci

Joanne Geraci

About me


I learned a lot about Gen Y. I knew very little about this group. They are different from my group the Baby Boomers. I knew some things about Gen X but not much with the Gen Y group. I have learned how to relate to their instructional method which will help in the classroom.

I learned the 3 M's--Being a model, manager and motivator.  I think that we do not realize as teacher that we are doing the M's but we are doing them without realizing it.

I thought that this course on Student Learning was good because it not only covered various learning styles, but it included tips on how to work with these students and their learning styles.

Discussion Comment
I have an idea for an ice breaker to start the teamwork process. On the 1st day, I would pass out a handout with 5 questions. They have to find a person to work with on these 5 questions. The questions would be about getting to know the other person. Once they have asked each other the questions like their name, where they were born, etc, etc. Then their partner has to tell the class what they learned about their partmer. What do you think of this ice breaker idea?

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