George Kelley

George Kelley

Location: kent, wa

About me

I am a department chair and faculty member at a local university. I have been teaching in higher education for 20 plus years. I live in kent, WA.  I am chair of a business department with 90 faculty and 900 1600 students. 






What can Boomers and Gen X learn from Gen Y (other than technological savvy)?

Gen Y is known as the digital generation and for good reason. They are the most wired generation in American history. They grew up with technology as an exrtension of their own person. 

About Generations

This blog is helpful. 

A very good source.

Blog Comment

I concur. This was a useful course.

I enjoyed the course on Gen Y. It was useful and well crafted. Great job!

Excellent. Well developed!

Yes, please share some strategies won't you?

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