In this module, I have learned that A staple in most of course assessments in the summative multiple-choice test. When offering these types of tests online, it opens the door for students to possibly not fully learn the material or to, perhaps, seek out academically dishonest ways to complete the assessment. In addition to implementing online settings, an instructor can develop new scenario-based questions or replace the definition-style type of questions with these higher-order thinking scenario questions. Scenario-based questions also allows students to see the connection to the objectives and topics covered to the job and career they wish to… >>>
In this module, I have learned that Student evaluations are an essential source of information on how well a course is designed to meet its outcomes/objectives, and can lead to course revision. The four levels of evaluation to move toward course revision include: reactions, learning, transfer, and results.
In this module, I have learned that Norm-referenced assessments are used to compare a student's skills to skills of others within a particular group. Norm-referenced assessments are most appropriate when the instructor wants to make comparisons across a large numbers of students or needs to make a decision regarding student placement and advancement.
In this module, I have learned that diagnostic assessment provides instructors with information about what the student brings to the course, assignment, or project. This type of assessment may also assist instructors in grouping students who are more fluent in the area of learning with those who are not as informed. Thus, diagnostic assessment not only provides a view of existing knowledge, skills, etc., but reveals the range of knowledge and individual differences, and indicates modifications that need to be made based on this information.
In this module, I have learned that obtaining feedback from students about the assessment process provides information on whether or not the technology assessment tools helped the instructor provide meaningful feedback and whether or not the technology caused difficulty in the assessment process. Feedback from the students' point of view provides valuable information to analyze before teaching the course again so that any changes to the assessment methods can be made.
In this module, I have learned that feedback is defined as information pertaining to reactions to a product or performance which is used as a basis for improvement. Instructors should keep this definition in mind as they develop and utilize rubrics to assist in the evaluation of students. Feedback may be positive, negative, or constructive. Feedback is provided through the evaluation of student work. This evaluation is not something instructors should do "to" the students, but something they should do "for and with" their students. Feedback is essential to the learning process and should provide students with relevant information.
In this module, I have learned that a rubric should be fair to all students independent of racial, cultural, gender, or other biases. A good rubric is reliable if two raters using the rubric to rate the same work assign similar scores; in other words, raters should be in agreement. A rubric is reliable also if the rating actually represents what students can do.
In this module, I have learned that Through self- and peer- assessments, students have an opportunity to develop a first draft of an assignment and receive formative feedback prior to making edits and submitting a final copy for assessment by the instructor.
In this module, I have learned the advantages and disavantage of Holistic Rubric and Analytical Rubrica. The disadvantages are:
Holistic Rubric Disadvantages
Not very useful to help plan instruction because they lack a detailed analysis of a student's strengths or weaknesses as demonstrated in a product.
Do not provide very detailed information.
Analytical Rubric Disadvantages
It is more difficult to construct analytical rubrics for all tasks.
Tends to be time consuming.
In this module, I have learned that reality-based learning poses a challenge in that the experiences of learners in a given class will not be the same. Similarly, the goals and aspirations of learners will also differ. This results in the difficult task of connecting with learners and utilizing the concepts of reality-based learning.
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