Gimena Moya Tonelli

Gimena Moya Tonelli

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Teaching integral skills is essential for any student and future professional. In the case of skilled trade students, there's often a mistaken belief that mastering practical skills is sufficient. This module made me reflect on the importance of other skills such as critical reasoning, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability.

The ability of any skilled trades person to effectively apply their expertise is undoubtedly enriched by the integration of critical thinking and problem-solving. Incorporating these abilities into the learning process seems essential and online teaching offers multiple tools to do it.

As a professor in a highly skill- and trade-based graduate program, I often wonder how new technologies and online learning can be effectively integrated. This module has opened up a whole new perspective for me, highlighting the necessity of context-aware critical reasoning. I am grateful for this insight.

I found the emphasis on discussion skills particularly interesting. However, I find it challenging to create online activities that encourage students to engage in constructive and deep discussions.

I've learned about the importance of providing and promoting a positive educational environment. I need to digest the resources and information and develop strategies to implement this in my classes.

I thoroughly enjoyed this module. While I had heard of character strengths before, I wasn't fully aware of their significance in my teaching.

From this module, I particularly appreciate gaining an understanding of the benefits of students being aware of the purposes of their own learning path, and how crucial it is for them to have both self-oriented and transcendent goals.

I've gained a formal understanding of positive psychology, which I previously knew only in an intuitive and informal way. More importantly, I've learned that as a professor, I can use and implement models such as PERMA and Character Strengths with both myself and my students, making a positive impact on their academic journey.

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