About me
About me
I learned about the guided discussions are much more effective or useful active learning than reading off of a Powerpoint lecture. This is also a good reminder that life happens in the middle, so being a supportive instructor by not putting on a deadline per say will yield a better learning.
I have to relearn the Adult Learning theory by M. Knowles. The 4 R's by Brown such as Respectful, Responsive, Reality-based learning and Reflection.
I have learned that online learning requires certain skills in order to be successfu. Teachers and students must practice time management skills, avoid procrastination and passive learning, and be presented with the 7 online learning principles to be a guide as they learn.
Learned how to communicate effectively in an online class. I was also reminded how to create a group project using the CoP or Community of Practice and Jigsaw Puzzle techniques.
In this module, I learned about the importance of teacher and student's self-assessment prior to engaging in an online class. I also learned about providing accomodation to students with learning disabilities and that resources should be included in the syllabus and offered by the institution to the students.
Flipped classroom is not the answer to all as it has some barriers like other pedagogical instructions.
Professional development is a component in order to start implementing the Flipped method. Instructors must be transformed first prior to the engaging to the method of teaching.
There are 4 components of the Flipped Classroom
Professional development
Intentionally provided content
Flexible blended learning environment
Reconstructed Learning Environment.
I also learned that technology needs a human touch for it to work effectively. Than even though there is endless selection of technology, teaching should not rely on that one component.
I feel that with Flpped classroom, it's faster to reached the top or the highest of the Bloom's Taxonomy due to more hands-on student-centered environment.
I learned that there is a myriad of benefits and advantages but the barriers can be frustrating if the instructors would not have the support of the institution or if there were no professional development and not given enough prep time.
I recently used the flipped classroom for my class. I was hesitant at first to flipped the classroom because I am a traditional learner. But because I have a multigenerational students, most of them benefits from this new learning enviroment. I noticed that the students have higher class engagement especially during their disussion. And I agree, I am less pressured on time and on energy as a teacher, and it is student-centered learning.
I learned that closing the loop need multiple tools, from multiple stakeholders. There are severals ways to evaluate the course and they are through course grades, syllabus scan, assignments and exams, question tools, concept maps, or even peer evaluation/observation.
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