Glenda Green

Glenda Green

About me

I'm a Phlebotomy and EKG instructor




phlebotomy and ekg



Blog Comment

Great article

New phlebotomist are popping up everywhere.... and that's good.  It's so needed and you can only appreicate this statement if you had a bad experience with needles.

Phlebotomy is a skilled field.  Training is not long however it is detailed and hands on. Upon graduation you will become employed and begin your journey in the medical field. Its a field you must love first and above all things. You must be people oriented and able to stand long hours.

Phlebotomy 101 is a great book to read for persons who want to know more about phlebotomy

Blog Comment

I agree it's important AR to know it all

Letting students know where they are academically keeps the students aware of their progress. The instructor is able to guide the student where needed.
Discussion Comment
I find class participation is a good for getting to know one another. When my students have group projects it bonds the students and they enjoy it very much. It spices up subjects the students think are boring. Once they become involved that particular subject is now a favorite.
Developing a course outline is very important. Its a guide for you and the students. If a student miss class for any reason the outline will keep them on course and allow the instructor to stay on track. My students love the outline because it's detailed and if I'm not around for questions they can refer to the outline. I also use my past outlines to improve my future outlines. Education evolves and so does my outline with new material and learning tools.
The instructor is the leader and what you do is closely watched by students who want to follow in your footsteps. Being in control and organized sets a great example for the students. Having your course outline, study guide, informational materials, field trips, quizzes, etc reflects to the students that you care about them. A unorganized instructor projects a confused person. A classroom unorganized seems unfocused and all over the place. Therefore to be well organized in a well organized class speaks commitment, good teaching and a place for good learning.

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