Gloria Hallenbeck

Gloria Hallenbeck

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During Module 4, I learned strategies to facilitate, manage and save student communication, techniques and tips for managing online student behavior and ideas to reduce attrition.  This module was very helpful and validating as I have felt overwhelmed with the volume and various methos of student communication.  I plan to implement what I have learned, particularly the importance of "subject line"  and "response time" expectations,


In Module 3, my main take aways are the benefits of asynchronous and synchronous discussions and the red flags to avoid when utilizing synchronous discussions.  I plan to implement the strategies for effectiveness that were reviewed and I will definitley be soliciting feedback from my students.


So far in this module, I have learned the importance of course structure, learning and technical support and the array of information that I should be prepared to address in advance and as needed. Having been thrusted into on-line instruction with no preparation (COVID-19) and based on the interaction I am experiencing with my students, they are familiar with how to navigate my chosen platform; However, I will attemp to locate and post a student tutorial.  Additionally, I learned that I need to navigate my online instructrution platform to expand my knowledge.


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