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About me
What is the most appropriate way to engage learners that are used to the classroom setup and then suddenly, the class they are taking is a mix of on-line and classroom based
I find this to be a precise fact, module after module. At the beginning of each new module the bar is set high for the instructor as the new group of students soon will be observing my every single word I say and step I take. It is time consuming to try to make things different from the last module and to change the rhythm, the previously shared stories about a certain class topic, change the dynamics according to the class size and students median age. Once this new routine has been established, students have been engaged and class has… >>>
Great insights into what others are doing. Guides me in the direction I should follow, alerts me of situations I may encounter and prepares me to correctly respond to my customers.
A very thorough and important course, the concepts we reviewed will help better understand my students and guide them as necessary.
@jonap0506 : I have completed several of the online courses and have to say that it is a positive experience that is transferable to the real world. With ED105 I have learned that practice makes a master plus learning hands-on from real experts makes a difference.
I believe so; it was a great course over all ! I liked the videos from Harvard Scholars, they are motivational and show points of interest that can be applied right away into any class setting.
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They will to go out of their way to learn and apply and then reconnect the everyday, mundane matters to the subject being taught; to incorporate your professional experiences and contrast with student's current experiences. A great instructor never stops learning from students and their multiple and diverse backgrounds.