Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott

About me


The environment I currently work in requires at least a bi-weekly working conference where all faculty members provide an update of their current and forecasted projects. As the facilitator for these meetings, I schedule the meeting room, create and provide an agenda for all participants, prepare/update applicable power-point slides, and keep the meeting on track. I open the meeting with a brief update from the last meeting and then provide my updates. I don't allow a lot of time for divergence from the agenda or for extended inputs from participants that don't relate to the group as a whole. In… >>>

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As an instructor at a military university and former military member (28 years), I've found that categorizing stress can help one cope. Regardless of the "institutional stressors" (suspenses, workplace conflicts, lack of technological advantages, etc...), remembering that no one is shooting at you and you'll be going home at the end of the day to your family helps bring things into perspective.
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The ability to quickly prioritize tasks and duties relating to specific job responsibilities is something that all instructors/managers need to develop and improve throughout their careers. The challenge to this skill is when tasks are added to our workloads (from inside or outside of our management chain)that have been deemed of a higher priority than our current responsibilites. While frustrating, integrating these "new" taskings into our schedule must be accomplished and requires an even higher development of priortization skill sets.

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