About me
About me
Students not only lean from the lesson snd assignments . They can learn from an instructor critiquing their preformance , student discussion ,groups and assessing themselves.
On line courses put more resposibility on the student for completing their education. This being said showing the student how to manage their time to stay on couse can defeat procrastinnation. Waiting till the day before tasks are due thend to overwhelm the student who underestimates the task at hand. showing them good time management skill can be very helpful.
Checking in the beginning of the course as to your students technical skills is a must. Some students when signing up for an online course forget to think about what to do if they loose an internet conection. This coild be as simple as going to a free wi fi spot so they can continuing with their lessons rather that asking for an extention for the assignments do.
Communication in any form is essential for on line learning . Many student will miss the interaction of a F2F environment and through the various ways of communication you can help them develops learning skills.
Ive learned that student svurveys are very important, for making the student feel as part of the class but also to get feed back from the student as to how they are progressing.
Authentcative and Alternitive assements are vauable tools. Rubric help students know how they will be graded, which gives them a path to achieve the required grade. Assmintes of the on line course can help develop the course, make changes which can improve the course next time it is taught.
Criterion-referenced assessments can be used to gauge how a student came to a specific conclusion. This along with essay can help instors know if the student knows the process of coming up with a correct answer and measures thier understanding of the subject.
I have learned that group learning can be very effective. students in aa group will push each member to pull thier own weight. Having the students grade themselves can be more critical that your observation. Use this self grading as part of you overall grade.
I have learned in this module that to have students stay on track can be related to My course presentation. Walking around keeps student attention on Me and what I'm speaking about. Eye contact gives individual attention to the student.
I have learned that many of my students do not use english as thier first language setting up some translator program in my class helps them understand Not only the lesson but helps with thier English as well/
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