Gleb Scosyrev

Gleb Scosyrev

About me


Visual learning tools such as labeling, graphs, and chart organization help students grasp concepts that can be difficult to understand in the written form.


Active learning is a crucial part of student development and their progress towards technical and affective knowledge. The learner, facilitator, and the learning content must be synched in the best possible way in order for higher level learning to occur. I have also incorporated some of the methods discussed in part one of EL113 course.


Team Management topic is always important to review, because as new members join the team, dynamics of that team can sway drastically. Reigning in negativity and promoting solution-based environment will remain an ever-present challenge as long as there is turnover in the workplace.

I would agree with the training's sentiment that dissenting views oftentimes foster convergent thinking, resulting in a focused approach to strategic problem solving and implementation.

I believe that new instructors make mistakes that can usually be corrected easily. Vocalization is a common issue, but instant feedback from students can spotlight the problem, and eventually lead to improvement.

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