Gloria Ward

Gloria Ward

About me


I have always found that by getting to know the students and make them feel comfortable it is import to let them know about who you are 

and to understnad how you are there to help them be successful

GWard beacuse I had online classes previously this whole comcept made more sense when our campus did gp online. This really helped me see how one thing pays off another concept.

Gloria, it is important for communication be interactive and not qone way.It is  important  to set the correct tone for effective communication at the beginning of the course while reflecting generational and personality differences.  It should be inviting and with senserity

Technology is the key   but the technology needs to wrok in order for the student to be successful

Gloria, This session was very informative in breaking done the begining of onlie learning, the different steps of technology

Gloria, Interaction from the student enrolles in a school and continuiung that process all the way trhough is very im[portant. Most schools things are very transparant and students tend to become discruntiled when they can not communicate with either admissions  person or financaial aid person. They tend to feel that know one really cares abiout them and their education "it is all about the money" We as instructors need to keep that kine of communication open at all times through out their learning process. It is as important as keeping the student engaged in the classroom setting.

Gloria, this section was very help[ful It opened my eyes to how important motivation and engagement are such an important aspect of the learning process even thought the class is being taught online. Unfortunately I believe that students today need that enterainment to help them learn or to at least start thingking how this can be fun, engaging during the learning process.

Gloria, By giving student's options in their learning  process I think it is great since everyone is not the same in their learning style. Now that we are movinvg away from thradtional syle we need to be more flexible in how students can learn and feel that they have an active part in thier education.

GLoria, I learned thw we as instructors need to be respectful and welcoming  for all students, make sure that we value what are saying , make sure we have a welcoming enviroment  with int the online setting. If we do these things then students can feel safe in their learning experience and feel comfortable ot share.

Gloria, Understanf the volor traits can give a better insight to your class which a great tool in trying to understand your students, it is also helpful in knowing how to pair students up for a group project.

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