Gregory Williams

Gregory Williams

About me

Career Education is and has been my passion for the last 30 years. Having my career start as a Drafting and Design Instructor at the Secondary level in a urban/inner-city Vocational center provided me with a variety of personal experiences and professional growth. After 16 years in the classroom, an opportunity to become an Administrator, in the same fcility, provided even greater responsibilities and professional growth. So with all of my industry knowledge and work experience, classroom knowledge and experience as well as Adminisrtative knowledge and experience, I still embrace and advocate the fact that education is a life-long activity. Thanks to YTI for providing me the opportunity to remain in Career Education and continue to grow professionally in something so dear to my heart. "Working with and being apart of the success of career focused students and instructors".


team building, curriculum review, teacher evaluation, program development


This course offered some very interesting discussions and perspectives as it relates to specific challenges through the eyes of William Bowen's book. I have always been concerned with the college completion rates based on the number of students that leave their High School experience and go off to college, only to find out that many are unprepared and many end up taking remedial classes that don't count towards their required credits and pushes their graduation date back by a semester or more. This only adds to the frustration and the completion rate. I totally agree with the statement that if the… >>>

I had some difficulty with this course due to my unfamiliarity with all of the different types of assessments. I have not had much experience and/or knowledge of many of them. This course has motivated me to do the research to make myself more knowledgeable and become a better leader. As far as PLDP, I was introduced to this strategy about three years ago and have developed and continue to monitor and track my progress. Having moved from Secondary to the Post-Secondary arena, I am revisiting my goals based on my new audience. I feel that the SMART goals are truely… >>>

I'm currently working on an analysis of the first term withdraws from our programs prior to the (Readiness Opportunity) 21 days. I would interested in input on other categories to include besides the ones I've incorporated:

* Admissions rep, orientaion, compass testing, background checks, personal issue discloure

* Education, grades, attendance, participation, behaviors, Instructor(s) feedback

* Student Service activities (if any)

It is very difficult to find trends when the students offer personal as the reason for their departure. Any suggestion would be welcomed.

I had some difficulty with this course due to my unfamiliarity with all of the different types of assessments. I have not had much experience and/or knowledge of many of them. This course has motivated me to do the research to make myself more knowledgeable and become a better leader. As far as PLDP, I was introduced to this strategy about three years ago and have developed and continue to monitor and track my progress. Having moved from Secondary to the Post-Secondary arena, I am revisiting my goals based on my new audience. I feel that the SMART goals are truely… >>>

Discussion Comment

This course offered some very interesting discussions and perspectives as it relates to specific challenges through the eyes of William Bowen's book. I have always been concerned with the college completion rates based on the number of students that leave their High School experience and go off to college, only to find out that many are unprepared and many end up taking remedial classes that don't count towards their required credits and pushes their graduation date back by a semester or more. This only adds to the frustration and the completion rate. I totally agree with the statement that if the… >>>

Early in my Administrative career, I truely thought (assumed) to be an effective leader, a person had to create a vision, share the vision clerarly, implement the vision and assess the vision until the goal(s) have been met. After completing this course, it appears that, in some cases, someone else in the organization, with the appropriate management skills, can/should be appointed to be the point person to plan, implement and monitor day to day activities until achieved goals have been met. The leader should then be in touch with what is happening within the group and provide the necessary tools and guidance to the group… >>>

This course has really taught me things that I took for granted prior to completing the course. As a assistant scoutmaster, I relate much of this information to the teaching and learning of the scout laws, in terms of being trustworthy, honest and reverent. As far as my employment situation, I also feel that it is important to be all those things (transparent) and more in order to build positive, lasting relationships with staff, students and the entire learning community. This is a great start to creating a culture conducive to quality education. Looking forward to other quality on-line courses like this one.

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