Hanaa Guirguis

Hanaa Guirguis

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it is good to know the strict scope of practice of staff and limitations of duties
the regulations, disclosures in those advertisemrnts are really regulates and protect the students appling from any deceitful information
it is good to know about those regulations,so no one can constantly be annoyed of a certain advertise or contant calls from companies
IT is good to know what are do's and dont's when advertising or enrolling students, carefull acts and avoid violations
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It is true that security or the feel of an adult learner specially middle age learner that never been at school for years can interfere with continuing school, because they do not belief themselves able to perform well at school or succeed in the program, they feel that it is a better fit for younger learner.the methods of enhancing or solving this issue was very practical, easy to follow which will be my goal with the next group starting class.also giving the opportunity to the student to suggest or choose or select give them some control on the learning process… >>>

it is true that practicing skills frequently over a time will help students transfer short term memory to long term memory, very applicable for lab skills. Also motivation through application of the new information and skills help them to develop confidence in themselves and their abilities, raise their self esteem and the level of satisfaction to take those skills to the field. I always notice all those feeling in students near to be done with the course and the exitment to practice what they learned in the field
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very powerfull and stimulating game that teach students to work under pressure and think sytematically at emergencies.Good idea, will try it in the first occasion.
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I liked saying that the students are customers and that the human factor is the key to retention and it is done by building a rapport with them from the first day like retaining their names, get to know their experiences and backgrounds
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it is true that understanding students needs helped me to know how to support one of my students who was dislexic to enable her to continue the course by providing her with special ways for testing rather traditional ways
I will use this idea next time I teach the circulation, may be mixing fun with that topic will make it easy for me and the students rather than using my overhead pictures

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