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I agree also. It is the degree of accountability that concerns me. To put it another way, the punishment should match the crime. If I were to go out and steal a loaf of bread, I would not be executed. Well, not in the USA.
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Cindy, we live and learn every day. I have been in the education field for a while, and believe me, I am always amazed how people do things, or don't do things. My point is too large to discuss here. I would have to write you a letter or talk to you on the phone about this.
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Let me get down to the real issue here. Small class size is supported big time in the Education arena. This support or position has been going on for a long time. It is not new. It gets down to dollars and cents. In order to really have small classes, of say, 15 or 20, more instructors would be needed, which would influence....... I think that no school should advertise small class size unless that is what they mean. The use of the words can, in many ways, be misleading, even if min and max sizes are spelled out. Often,… >>>

Training and professional development are very powerful tools to keep a faculty abreast of what is going on in the education field. But, in order for them to be effective, they must be meaningful to the recipients.

Overall, I gained a great deal of information about topics I knew very little about. 

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Often, when a school chooses an accrediting agency, faculty members are required to meet certain standars, especially those who teach in general education. Is there such a thing as employees being grandfathered?
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While advertising small class sizes might be a good thing, it can also be misleading. I see a type of contradiction here. Small may not mean small. There is also a maximum size of a class that can come into play, which could shock the student. Even though the student is made aware of this fact. Example: The average size of Class A is 15 students. The max is 30. Depending on the subject area, 30 could be overwhelming for the instructor, as well as the students.
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An institution's ability to maintain or get federal funding for its students depends on that school's credibility. Am I to believe that there are schools in existence that deliberately misrepresent themselves for financial gain. etc.?
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I have a better question. How does the institution know if its employess are complying with guidelines and regulations? Do they have to wait until something happens that could cause their loss federal fund and.....?
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I still believe that if an employee violates the regulations or guidelines, the school should not be held responsible as outlined in the regs/guidelines. I think the regulations are more than harsh, and perhaps a little ridiculous. Because of one employee, a school could not receive federal dollars to help students. Think of the damage that would be done to hundres or thousands of students. Instead, the school should be able to deal with the employee(s) who has committed the infraction.

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