Todd Kazenske

Todd Kazenske

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I teach new students in their very first class. Do you feel it's too early to engage them in creating a rubric?
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Can rubrics be use to evaluate appearance of a food item and leave subjectivity out of it?
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Can students effectively critique others correctly using the rubric if they don't have the experience with the product?
Culinary rubrics can be very difficult to write. How do you take the subjectivity out of certain rubrics?
In culinary we use active learning through demonstration and practical application. Our students truly learn best by seeing and doing. This reinforces the techniques of cooking/baking. As a Chef, our professional industry experience helps us to train future cooks and chefs better.
I strongly agree that utiling your passion and experience is essential to motivating your students. I use this method constantly to connect with my students.
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In culinary, most students are tacilt learners and learn quicker through demonstration and practical application. if they see it, they can reproduce it.
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At le Cordon Bleu, we do a daily lineup of all students. This allows us to meet and greet our students personally one at a time. We also use this time to check uinform and personal hygiene standards.
In culinary it's quite easy to motivate students through cooking. They attend college to learn the fundamentals of cooking and by encouraging them to practice,gives them the confidence to further their studies.
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Documentation of everything is very important as students will always question you regarding grades, attendance and practical exams. have a great rubric so that students can truly evaluate themselves. We sometimes have students complete a rubric on themselves. They are usually more critical on themselves than we are as instructors.

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