Todd Kazenske

Todd Kazenske

About me


Many instructors like to incorporate humor into there classroom environment. Is humor a good or bad tool to use in a classroom environment? What is enough and what is too much?
Does anyone have good practices for changing student behavior or attitudes. We have many students who grew up in a culture that is truly not acceptable in society or the work place. Many have criminal backgrounds or grew up in the streets with no parential guidance or support. They feel their actions and behavior is acceptable because that's all they know. It's hard for faculty at times to relate to the lifestyle that many of our students come from.
How do you help individuals know if this is the correct time in their life to be in school. Many of our students attend school, homeless, no job, no tranportation, single parent and some all of the above. Is this the right time to invest alot of money in school and potentially not be successful and encure unwanted debt.

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