Heather McGoff

Heather McGoff

About me


We currently do not use newsletters but I think they are a great way to highlight students to employers. What other information are included in both kinds of newsletters in each of your organizations?
In the Job Opportunities section it mentions having a job openings resource book, which we do provide. It does have internet listings and leads that we hear of within the community. I do not find a lot of students looking at that resource, so we have been emailing the leads to our upcoming and recent graduates in the hopes that they will take our advice on how to apply for each posting.
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We currently do not have an alumni program in place. I think it might be a good idea to stay in touch with graduates and then aid in job placement. How do organizations go about starting one of these programs? How do we keep the students interested and wanting to participate?
We have a hard time with students and grads moving or canceling phones and email without notification. I have gone to lengths as far as creating a work Facebook to locate the students. What are some ways to get back in contact with graduates? At least I can still find students in school.

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