Hannah Smith

Hannah Smith

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I think this was a good course. One thing I noticed though was the suggestions about what to do about tardiness which is actually not an option at my school. I also thought it was interesting it suggested that we ask the students to be a part of creating policies for the school. I feel like this is a bad idea in some regard, or is almost more of a game to make it seem that we will take their opinions into consideration. I know the students complain a lot about the rules as the school where I work and… >>>

I learned more about time management and how to set that as an example to the students. This helps them feel focused and relaxed knowing that I have a plan. I also learned about how to use group activities to foster a sense of community and cohesiveness in the classroom setting. 

I learned the 4 types of classroom management and what they imply for the class overall. Very interesting material.

I learned some really helpful strategies for promoting adaptability, solving problems, dealing with conflict, and being self-motivated. I think these will come in handy. I would like to use the example activities to incorporate these into the classroom and of course work on these myself as well. 

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